Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So um... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that idea crashed and burned. Now it's time to start writing stories again.

My very lovely friend sat me down and said something to me I haven't heard since high school. She said something that touched me (not inappropriately, sadly). She said she thought I was a good writer.

It's been so long since someone said that. So long since someone had faith in my abilities to tell stories, or create worlds. Something, once upon a time, I had loved to do, but since forgot that I did.

I still have great plans to write a screen play about working at a bank. No I will not disclose any name, procedures, or personal information, but there is some funny shit that happens there that I just cannot let go without sharing with the world.

There are days when that phone rings and I answer it and I wish I were on film and that conversation were recorded because it is too priceless to ever be forgotten.

I cannot wait until the day I sit down and learn to write a screen play. It's going to awesome.

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