Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wine + I Don't Know I Don't Know

You need to plant the seed.

That's what she said. She being Nancy.

Dear ____,

You are not interested. How can I possibly know this? Well, because I know what it's like to not be interested, and that is how you're acting. Well, actually, it's how you're acting part of the time. The rest of the time I have no idea what's going on. Are you interested or not? I really must know because I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day. I'm just going to assume that you're not, because if you were you'd try. I try, and I'm interested, however if you were more interested, maybe I wouldn't be. See there's the rub, for in that assumption of attraction, what acts may come? I don't know. They could be horrible. What if you don't like me and I put myself our there and I get nothing. What if you do like me and I don't put myself out there, and nothing happens. It's a lose lose situation, and I need a win win win. Yes, win win win.

I'm going to work on my book. The one that I forgot about, the one that needs me now. Needs me at my most creative. Creative = Drunk.

Peace out homie.


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