Hold on to these words,
I'd like to think that they may offer
Some protection,
Against the night.
Against the night,
Your life can feel transparent,
A reflection,
A trick of light.
So when sleep just won't come,
And you've got no occupation,
But nibbling at the fruit
Of the melancholy tree,
Just hold on to these words,
Hold on to me.
Just hold on to these words,
They're the best I've got to offer
At the moment,
As a lullaby.
As a lullaby,
You can lay down by the tracks
And feel the world
Slip by
-Jason Webley
This song makes me very very sad. However in some way it's very very comforting too. I listened to this song as an unintentional lullaby last night. It worked. Then I woke up a little later very confused and partially intoxicated by sleep. I have never been the wisest person in my life, and it's pretty safe to say I've almost always had a big enough mouth to screw up anything be it as large as friendships, or as small as being a passerby in someone's life. It's part of my charm though. At least I'm honest. At least I'm me. I think I'd make a better someone else sometimes though.
Hold on to these words. I love that. Hold on to me. That's the part that kind of hurts me a little.
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