Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Okay, so it's not as scary as I thought, I mean don't get me wrong, I'm scared shitless, but I only kind of cried when Riley dropped me off at the shuttle, and I haven't vomited or passed out. So according to me, I'm doing quite well.

I'm here extremely early, I still have an hour and 25 minutes before my flight leaves. My flight *gulp* okay, now I think I'm going to throw up. How did I get roped into this? Two months ago this seemed like a great idea, because well, two months ago this was two months away and I didn't need to worry about it. Now look at me. I'd be lost without this free wifi access. Without it I'd hardly have myself to talk to.

No one is on Facebook to chat with at 5:41 in the morning. I can't imagine why. Weird.

I don't even know my flight number, I'm a terrible flyer. =( I know it's somewhere on my ticket, but all I see when I look at my ticket is "blah blah blah blah, you might die, blah blah blah 7:05". I don't like this whole alone thing. I want Riley. I want him to rub my knee and scratch my back and ask me if I want something to eat, and go get a coffee with me. He's probably sleeping like a log right now, don't blame him. Lucky dog, I mean log.

I am going to go get coffee. Wish me luck on this trip and I shall be back eventually.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So um... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that idea crashed and burned. Now it's time to start writing stories again.

My very lovely friend sat me down and said something to me I haven't heard since high school. She said something that touched me (not inappropriately, sadly). She said she thought I was a good writer.

It's been so long since someone said that. So long since someone had faith in my abilities to tell stories, or create worlds. Something, once upon a time, I had loved to do, but since forgot that I did.

I still have great plans to write a screen play about working at a bank. No I will not disclose any name, procedures, or personal information, but there is some funny shit that happens there that I just cannot let go without sharing with the world.

There are days when that phone rings and I answer it and I wish I were on film and that conversation were recorded because it is too priceless to ever be forgotten.

I cannot wait until the day I sit down and learn to write a screen play. It's going to awesome.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 6

So, what today you might ask, I set up an exercise plan with the lovely Kim where we'll be walking 3 to 4 times a week early early in the morning. I have set up plans like this in the past, but this one is different because Kim is doing it with me and my plan is to help her while helping myself. I think it'll be great for the both of us in the long run we just need to use each other to make it the most positive experience so that we'll hopefully continue to do so.

I'm making us each a chart where we'll weigh ourselves once a week and keep track of our weight and our goals and help support each other along the way.

This is also a great outlet for Cabo. Help him be active in the morning so he's not so miserable all day when he's stuck at home without us. Poor baby.

I think this will be a great experience even if we don't fully succeed at least we tried. That's half the battle no?