Gwendolyn. That's the name of the girl who stole my life away. The girl who in one evening changed the entire course of my next few weeks. The girl who I know will take up hours of my evenings and any other spare time I have.
She's going to have sex with Alistair, she's going to get a dog (which I've been there done that, but her's will be highly intelligent), she's going to slay some bad guys. She's going to do all of this because I can't, and that's okay with me as long as I can live vicariously through her, through the screen.
She's a rogue dwarf, and as soon as I have my way, she'll be a dwarf bard. No one can stop me now. I've started and it's an addiction that cannot be thwarted!
Thank you Dragon Age for teaching me how to game again.
P.S. Did I mention you can have sex? I'm still more excited than I should be about that! It's like Sims 3 with cut scenes!